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 Navigation à vapeur entre la Prusse et la Suède, 1850s

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2 participants

Nombre de messages : 70
Localisation : Lisboa, Portugal
Date d'inscription : 02/03/2019

Navigation à vapeur entre la Prusse et la Suède, 1850s Empty
MessageSujet: Navigation à vapeur entre la Prusse et la Suède, 1850s   Navigation à vapeur entre la Prusse et la Suède, 1850s EmptyMer 23 Sep 2020 - 17:38


A quick and generic question. Does anyone knows about any literature or articles about the Steamship mail service between Hamburg, Prussia and Sweden on the second half of XIX century?

I’m specifically looking around 1857 .. for Dampfschifffahrt zwischen Preußen und Schweden

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Mare Nostrum

Mare Nostrum

Nombre de messages : 1833
Localisation : Ardèche
Date d'inscription : 08/02/2018

Navigation à vapeur entre la Prusse et la Suède, 1850s Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Navigation à vapeur entre la Prusse et la Suède, 1850s   Navigation à vapeur entre la Prusse et la Suède, 1850s EmptyMer 23 Sep 2020 - 18:55


a few years earlier I made a little research on this subject.

Departure were from Lübeck or Stettin, maybe Stralsund :

Navigation à vapeur entre la Prusse et la Suède, 1850s Hambur10

from Lübeck (1856) :

Navigation à vapeur entre la Prusse et la Suède, 1850s Deapar10

from Stettin (1855) :

Navigation à vapeur entre la Prusse et la Suède, 1850s Avis_d11

You can try with this kind of document :
Eisenbahn Zeitung

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Nombre de messages : 70
Localisation : Lisboa, Portugal
Date d'inscription : 02/03/2019

Navigation à vapeur entre la Prusse et la Suède, 1850s Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Navigation à vapeur entre la Prusse et la Suède, 1850s   Navigation à vapeur entre la Prusse et la Suède, 1850s EmptyMer 23 Sep 2020 - 19:48

Merci Laurent!

Attached the letter that made be curious about this steamship service.

Official letter (exempt for territorial tax due to the S.N.R. and mark from Conselho de Saude Pública) sent from Lisbon, Portugal on January 29, 1857 to Stockholm. Transit mark from Badajoz in blue where it was placed in closed bag and dispatched via France and Belgium. “VERVIERS / 8  2  1 / COELN” trilinear mark in red and Boxed mark SPANIEN also in red.
In Prussia, written in the back 8 Sgr for an unpaid letter coming from Portugal via Aachen up to 7,5g according to the postal convention between Spain and Prussia (4 Sgr for Spain, 3½ Sgr for France plus ½ for Belgium). 
Then eventually, 3 Sgr added for transit in Prussia for a letter going to Sockholm, according to postal convention between Sweden and Prussia, resulting in 11 being written in the front. 
Circular mark from Hamburg (8.2) and K.D.O.P.A. / Hamburg (9.2). From Swedish Hamburg post office likely by steam service to Stockholm. At the destination 1 Riksdaler written in the front.

I am still looking but I think 1 Rds was equivalent to 48 Skilling. And still couldn't find the accounting to reach the 1Rds ... and don't know yet how many Skillings would be 11 Sgr.

Navigation à vapeur entre la Prusse et la Suède, 1850s Lisbon10
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Mare Nostrum

Mare Nostrum

Nombre de messages : 1833
Localisation : Ardèche
Date d'inscription : 08/02/2018

Navigation à vapeur entre la Prusse et la Suède, 1850s Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Navigation à vapeur entre la Prusse et la Suède, 1850s   Navigation à vapeur entre la Prusse et la Suède, 1850s EmptyMer 23 Sep 2020 - 20:13

I've forgotten to say that in winter there was often no steam service to Stockholm : look at the document Stettin (1855) : the steam service begins on may the 8th.
The post route was overland when there was ice on the baltic sea:

Navigation à vapeur entre la Prusse et la Suède, 1850s Trajet10

For the postal rates, I can't help you !

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Nombre de messages : 70
Localisation : Lisboa, Portugal
Date d'inscription : 02/03/2019

Navigation à vapeur entre la Prusse et la Suède, 1850s Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Navigation à vapeur entre la Prusse et la Suède, 1850s   Navigation à vapeur entre la Prusse et la Suède, 1850s EmptyMer 23 Sep 2020 - 20:17

Mare Nostrum a écrit:

The post route was overland when there was ice on the baltic sea:
Wow, quite fascinating, thank you!
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Nombre de messages : 70
Localisation : Lisboa, Portugal
Date d'inscription : 02/03/2019

Navigation à vapeur entre la Prusse et la Suède, 1850s Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Navigation à vapeur entre la Prusse et la Suède, 1850s   Navigation à vapeur entre la Prusse et la Suède, 1850s EmptyMer 30 Sep 2020 - 21:25


I've been reading a bit about this topic. It seems quite fascinating but rather complex due to the large amount of possible routes between Prussia and Scandinavia and the seasonal aspects. As wisely said by Laurent, in winter there was no direct steamship service between Prussia and Sweden. 

The circular mark in Hamburg is from February 9, 1857. At that time, the seaway was closed which means the letter had to go via Denmark and could not go direct from Stettin to Stockholm. 

According to the postal convention between Prussia and Denmark (1853) a letter to Sweden by land would have a Denmark transit share of 2 Sgr and Sweden share of 2½ Sgr i.e., a total of 4½ Sgr.

So, my question at the moment is if 15½ Sgr (11 Sgr + 4½ Sgr) would be equivalent to 48 Skillings (1 Rds)?  

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